Sound system for new Saint-Chamond sports arena

The new Gier Sports Hall in Saint-Chamond is a futuristic arena combining functionality and modernity to host a variety of sporting events. NEXO equipped the venue with GEO S12 loudspeakers.

The loudspeakers provide sound for both the stands and the pitch.<br />Image: Camille Grange – Videoscope

The loudspeakers provide sound for both the stands and the pitch.
Image: Camille Grange – Videoscope

The arena provides a permanent home for the Saint-Chamond Basket Vallée du Gier, with the main basketball court accommodating 3,800 spectators, expandable to 4,200. An additional court is located in an annexed sports hall for 300 spectators, and additional VIP reception areas can accommodate 600 people, either on match days or at seminars and other events.

As a municipal development, public tenders were held for all key contracts on the project, and Lyon-based consultants Atelier Audiovisuel collaborated with NEXO’s Engineering Support Team to design and propose a sound system. NEXO’s Carole Marsaud takes up the story. “I knew that GEO S12 would be perfect for this project, as the 30° angled boxes meant we could use clusters of just 4 cabinets each to cover the stands. And the fact they are 16 Ohms impedance meant we could power a full cluster with just a single channel of a NEXO NXAMP4X4MK2 which, along with the relatively low cost of GEO S12, enabled us to propose a very cost-efficient solution that met or exceed all of the performance criteria.”

NEXO was awarded the contract thanks to the performance and cost efficiency of the GEO S12.<br />Image: Camille Grange – Videoscope

NEXO was awarded the contract thanks to the performance and cost efficiency of the GEO S12.
Image: Camille Grange – Videoscope

Alongside eight clusters of GEO S12s covering the stands in the main arena, a NEXO P12 point source loudspeaker located at each corner of the court covers the playing area, with P12s also deployed in the additional training court.

For the tender for the sound system installation, the local integrator Videoscope Multimedia adopted the NEXO design and won the contract.

“We got great support from the NEXO Engineering Team throughout the installation process which helped to make everything go very smoothly” reports Videoscope Site Manager Camille Grange. “Then Carole and her colleague Bertrand were on site for two days to fine tune and commission the system. Everyone is very pleased with the result.”

(STADIAWORLD, 05.05.2022)

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