„Football Market” will be held in Moscow

The XV international specialized exhibition and conference „Football Market“ will be held from 30 November to 2 December 2017 in the Expocentre Fairgrounds at Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow.

„Football Market“ is a unique meeting place for professionals in the football industry, representatives of clubs, federations, regional football centers and academies. The exhibition concentrates the best and most advanced in the football industry – from the most innovative technologies to offers of companies that provide a variety of services associated with football. The main topics of the conference this year will be the preparation for the World Cup 2018, the effective operation of the stadiums, marketing and management of football clubs, technology and innovation in football, sports law, agency activities and more. „Football Market“
audience – state structures and public organizations, football clubs, project and construction organizations, equipment manufacturers, premium and gift products, investors and sponsors, sports medical centers, consulting firms, educational institutions and the organizers of sporting events.

Over the long history „Football Market“ was visited by hundreds of companies from more than 30 countries. Guests and participants of the conference in different years: Deputy chairman of the Russian Federation Government on the issues of sport, tourism and youth policy, President of the RFU Vitaly Mutko, former UEFA President Lennart Johansson; former Secretary General of FIFA, Jerome Valcke; former President of football club „Boca Juniors“, nowadays Argentina's President Mauricio Macri; the President of RFPL Sergey Pryadkin, a former President of the Chamber of FIFA and UEFA dispute resolution, former Chairman of the English Football Association Geoff Thompson; the General Director of the organizing Committee „Russia-2018“ Alexey Sorokin; ex-coaches of the Russian National football team Guus Hiddink and Leonid Slutsky; honorary President of the RFU and honorary member of FIFA Vyacheslav Koloskov and others. For the first time, within the framework of the „Football Market" exhibition, a workshop „Transfer Market“ will be held, where General Managers, sport Directors, heads of selection departments, scouts, representatives of youth football academies, agents, players, marketing and consulting companies, providing brokering services engaged in intermediary services during transfer deals. Workshop „Transfer Market“
is a platform that will help to optimize spending of football clubs, to find direct contacts with the leading agencies, will allow representatives of the football industry to achieve their tasks quickly. Workshop participants will have an opportunity to expand their business contacts, to evaluate new business opportunities, to strengthen existing relationships and international image.

In addition, the event will feature the best artworks of students of the Moscow academic art Lyceum at the Russian Academy of arts - „Football Art“. Exhibition of football industry „Football Market“ and the „Transfer Market“ will be held during the official ceremony of the draw for the finals of the FIFA World Cup 2018, which will take place in the Kremlin on December 1st 2017 and will bring together representatives of all national and continental federations. (Stadiaworld, 04.09.2017)

More information about the „Football Market“